March 2012 |
[Original Papers] |
Newly identified resting stage cells of diatoms from
sediments collected in Ago Bay, central part of Japan
Ken-Ichiro Ishii, Akira Ishikawa & Ichiro Imai
Plankton & Benthos Research 7(1), Page 1, 2012 |
Metabolism and chemical composition of zooplankton and
hyperbenthos from the Great Barrier Reef waters, North
Queensland, Australia
Tsutomu Ikeda & A. David McKinnon
Plankton & Benthos Research 7(1), Page 8, 2012 |
Isolation and characterization of a single-stranded
DNA virus infecting the marine planktonic diatom
Chaetoceros sp. (strain TG07-C28)
Kensuke Toyoda, Kei Kimura, Naotsugu Hata, Natsuko Nakayama,
Keizo Nagasaki & Yuji Tomaru
Plankton & Benthos Research 7(1), Page 20, 2012 |