[Original papers]
Life cycle and precopulatory mate guarding of Goidelia japonica (Copepoda: Poecilostomatoida: Echiurophilidae) associated with the echiuran Urechis unicinctus
Minoru Ijichi, Gyo Itani & Hiroshi Ueda
Growth characterization of non-photosynthetic diatoms, Nitzschia spp., inhabiting estuarine mangrove forests of Ishigaki Island, Japan
Ken-Ichiro Ishii & Ryoma Kamikawa
Occurrence of Eurytemora americana (Copepoda, Calanoida) in a small inlet of Japan: temporary domination and disappearance of the invasive alien species
Hiroshi Ueda, Sakiko Orui Sakaguchi & Machiko Yamada
Spatial variability in an estuarine phytoplankton and suspended microphytobenthos community
Yasuyo Tsuji & Shigeru Montani